In a world that refuses to cooperate, I specialise in working with leaders and organisations to maximise their individual and collective impact.​  By adopting approaches designed to work in our ultra-dynamic world, collective commitment to getting the job done is possible. 

Ready for a better way to tackle your toughest problems? 


Without exception, solving the tough stuff, the wicked, gnarly problems that cause the best to scratch their heads and wonder How on earth? is best achieved through collaboration.

When you share an ambition, create a new Us (rather than reinforce the old Us and Them) and find alignment around the matters that matter, the impossible becomes possible.​  How? Through collective commitment to action.

Unleash the power of collaboration in your organisation and experience the difference it makes: release potential, create new opportunities, uncover innovative solutions and build strong connections.

Through a guided, learn-by-doing process you’ll be set up for success, kept on track through the tough patches, and equipped with approaches to build collaborative DNA.

“Working with Ann on a multi-agency collaboration in the national disaster management area.  She has helped us to learn about each other and our organisations, explore the problems we seek to solve, and created the space for our people to find solutions.

Ann is helping us enable better planning, response, and recovery before, during and after disasters. Her approach is innovative, sensitive to the challenges of government and highly effective.”

John Dawson – Branch Head, Community Safety Branch, Geosciences Australia

Elevate thinking

Lift your level of shared ambition and explore possibility.

Innovate Solutions

Create plausible, novel solutions and open-up innovative opportunities.

Accelerate Delivery

Out-perform traditional approaches by harnessing the synergy of the collective. to tackle your toughest challenges more effectively.


  • The Collaboration Effect Diagnostic – establish a baseline and focus your efforts for success.
  • Facilitated sessions – set a collective ambition and align around the matters that matter.
  • Review(s) – monitor and course correct to keep things on track and embed collaboration DNA.
  • Sounding Board Mentorship – enhance capability, build confidence,  and guide you through the tough patches.


Imagine a world of leaders adept at confidently leading and getting the job done in a world that refuses to cooperate.​

Grow leadership and deliver organisational priorities by seamlessly integrating development and delivery.

This practical programme, designed to build confidence. deliver priorities, and engage top talent, is built on sound principles of complex adaptive systems, social network science and leadership that elevates organisational leadership and gets the job done.

The concepts and approaches of the six core modules are applied to live organisational priorities during sessions and progress is followed up through group cohort coaching​.

The programme can be delivered as multi-modular programme or as an  individual workshops to meet your specific needs. 

” Working with Ann and her colleagues on a national initiative to help a group of business leaders think about climate change as a whole system, and get clear on what they wanted to focus on for impact for NZ, was inspiring for me.

It really influenced business leaders working together to go faster on the climate agenda and take leadership on building it out to the next level nationally.”

Penny Nelson – Director-General, Department of Conservation | Te Papa Atawhai


Harness Collaboration 

Understand and apply the practices of effective collaboration to amplify the ability to deliver on complex problems that transcend vertical, horizontal, geographic and institutional boundaries.

Untangling Complexity

Enhance your ability to understand wicked problems that transcend organisational and institutional boundaries and, develop approaches to address them.

Managing Paradox

Enhance your ability to balance efforts and prioritise action in a world of contradictory, co-existing states that get in the way of delivering organisational objectives.

Strategic Thinking

Enhance your strategic thinking skills and increased ability to confidently make decisions and act when the world refuses to cooperate with plans.

Systems Thinking Applied

Enhance your ability to use systems dynamics to catalyse change and achieve objectives.

The Power of Human Networks

Enhance your understanding of human networks. Apply the principles to wicked problems, complex issues and paradox situations. 

For more information